
If you’re running Windows, you will need to install vagrant and virtualbox to setup an Ubuntu linux virtual machine for executing the playbooks. Don’t worry! Vagrant makes the setup and usage of a virtual machine extremely easy.

TODO: Put in details on setting up vagrant.

If you’re running Mac OS X or Linux you should have everything you need to get started.

You will need to install the following software:


You probably have this installed already, to check open up a terminal and run:

python --version

Any Python version >2.6 should work. If you see an error that Python is not installed, please install the latest version of Python 2.7.


pip is a Python package manager which can install all the required Python dependencies. To install pip execute:

sudo python


Ansible is the automation tool that will set up and configure the machines in the device cloud. Install Ansible by executing:

sudo pip install ansible


boto is a Python package for interacting with Amazon’s AWS cloud services. If you are using Amazon AWS to host your device cloud you will need to install boto by executing:

sudo pip install boto